Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Russian Language and Literature
Degree programme objectives
The aim of the follow-up master’s programme in Teaching of Russian Language and Literature for Secondary Schools is to prepare highly qualified and competent teacher of Russian language and literature who is thoroughly (professionally and individually) prepared to teach at secondary school or at the lower secondary schools and, if needed, at language schools where the Russian is taught as a foreign language.
Pregradual teaching practice, based on the four basic principles (programme disciplines, programme didactical component, pedagogical and psychological propaedeutic and reflected teaching practice), follows up the proper special basis, gained during previous bachelor’s study in the SP in Russian Studies (language competence in Russian at B2 level, the knowledge of the Russian grammar, the Russian literature, the history and the culture) and it is focused on the further deepening of professional competences and creating pedagogical and psychological, didactic, communicative and other personally cultivated competences necessary for the professional career in teaching the foreign language.
The emphasis is so put predominantly on the close connection of theoretical, pedagogical and psychological as well as didactical study programme components with the practical component of teachers’ preparation that consists of graduational system of follow-up intern and extern practices (parallel and continuous) and their managed reflection in the close connection with the contractual providers of the practice (lower and upper secondary schools).
The partial aim of the study programme is, at the same time, to prepare the graduate who will be able to independently search, critically judge and adequately use various informational sources, that will make possible for him to flexibly react on the changeable requirements of the practice and who will be motivated to the further self-education and continuous self-development.
Study plans
Admission ProceduresAdmission to Master's degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)Submission deadline until midnight 30. 4. 2025
- Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programme
Deadline for submitting applications: January 1 - April 30
Who the programme is intended for: The programme is intended for all graduates of Bachelor’s studies.
Subject matter of the entrance examination: Written test verifying the applicants’ practical knowledge of Russian, Russian grammar and vocabulary, ability to orient in a Russian text, orientation towards basic theoretical questions, concepts, and terminology of linguistics and literary science and knowledge of Russian literature, history, and culture at the level required for the Bachelor’s state examination in specialization Russian Cultural Studiesat FA MU.
Waiver of the entrance examination: The entrance examination may be waived for those graduates of a Bachelor's degree programme in Russian Studies at the MU Faculty of Arts who have achieved an overall grade of A-B in the Bachelor's state examination. The entrance examination may also be waived for applicants whose overall result of the Bachelor's State Examination in the Russian Studies programme at the MU Faculty of Arts was evaluated as "passed with excellent results", or whose overall result of the Bachelor's State Examination in the Russian Studies programme at the MU Faculty of Arts was evaluated as "passed" and whose overall average for the Bachelor's studies did not exceed 1.5.
Website Department of Slavonic Studies.
General information on the course of the admission procedure to the follow-up Master’s degree programmes at FA MU can be found here. Documents for the current admission procedure are kept in Materials for Applicants.
- Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programme
Pass/fail line of the entrance examination: 60 points (out of 100).
- ObjectivesThe aim of the follow-up master’s programme in Teaching of Russian Language and Literature for Secondary Schools is to prepare highly qualified and competent teacher of Russian language and literature who is thoroughly (professionally and individually) prepared to teach at secondary school or at the lower secondary schools and, if needed, at language schools where the Russian is taught as a foreign language.
Pregradual teaching practice, based on the four basic principles (programme disciplines, programme didactical component, pedagogical and psychological propaedeutic and reflected teaching practice), follows up the proper special basis, gained during previous bachelor’s study in the SP in Russian Studies (language competence in Russian at B2 level, the knowledge of the Russian grammar, the Russian literature, the history and the culture) and it is focused on the further deepening of professional competences and creating pedagogical and psychological, didactic, communicative and other personally cultivated competences necessary for the professional career in teaching the foreign language.
The emphasis is so put predominantly on the close connection of theoretical, pedagogical and psychological as well as didactical study programme components with the practical component of teachers’ preparation that consists of graduational system of follow-up intern and extern practices (parallel and continuous) and their managed reflection in the close connection with the contractual providers of the practice (lower and upper secondary schools).
The partial aim of the study programme is, at the same time, to prepare the graduate who will be able to independently search, critically judge and adequately use various informational sources, that will make possible for him to flexibly react on the changeable requirements of the practice and who will be motivated to the further self-education and continuous self-development.
- Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- orient in the basic topics and modern trends of pedagogical and psychological disciplines, to independently gain and critically process the knowledge of scientific research; who will manage to relevantly judge and implement them into practice
- to plan, realize and evaluate his own lessons at standard level and to use, at the same time, the broad scale of knowledge and skills gained by studying pedagogical and psychological disciplines that exceed his competences at teaching qualification
- to reflect the experience of pedagogical practice and to apply it after that on his own teaching practice
- to understand the principles of the inclusive education that he manages to apply into his own teaching practice, to use the basic diagnostical tools and to manage to use the findings gained so for the individual support of every learner
- to take into consideration the learner’s individual needs in connection with his teaching style, maturity, personality, skills, talents and other categories connected with psychological profile of the learner when preparing and realizing teaching
- to use standard language (written and oral) at the C1 level in pedagogical practice and in professional communication
- to argumentatively define the structured aims of the study related to the concrete aim group
- to distinguish, practically master and appropriately use different forms and methods of teaching Russian and to adequately adapt it to the determined teaching aims
- to effectively control and evaluate the achievement of the teaching aim and to effectively correct and modify his own teaching approach by reflecting discovered results
- to prepare and to effectively use his own study material and other methodological tools for teaching compliant with the teaching aims
- to appropriately effectively motivate the learners with accessibly means to achievement of the aim both in gaining language and communicative competences in Russian and in the basic orientation in the Russian literature
- to thoroughly orient in the connections and the key phenomena of the Russian literature and the culture, in the history, the traditions, way of life and the political system in diachronic and synchronic overview and then to interpret these facts
- Occupational Profiles of GraduatesThis study programme is, in conformity with its aims, designed so that the graduates, thanks to the broad enough professional qualification and wide understanding of methodical preparation could easily find the employment:
- in teaching the Russian language at secondary school
- in teaching the Russian language at lower secondary school
- as lecturers of the Russian language at courses in language schools
- as lecturers of the Russian language at courses provided by employers for employees who are sent abroad (predominantly to the Russian Federation, Belorussia, the Ukraine and other former Soviet Union countries)
- as lecturers of the Russian language at universities
- as lecturers/teachers of the Russian language of individual or group teaching
- in preparing and organizing Russian language courses
- as authors of textbooks, coursebooks and methodical materials for a broad range of Russian language teaching.
- Regulated Professions
- Secondary school teacher
- Goals of ThesesThe subject and the aim of thesis must be based on the principles of the teaching studies that leads to the connection of the programme and pedagogical knowledge with their practical usage. The student should demonstrate in his graduate thesis the ability to use the gained pedagogical, psychological or didactic knowledge. The topic of the thesis should be connected to the professional orientation (Russian language and literature) and must be processed within the didactic methods with regard of application in the pedagogical praxis. In master’s thesis students under the tutelage of supervisors solve set up scientific problem or several problems related theoretically and methodologically. They should be able to set up and solve the research project by analyzing their own accumulated text material or various data and to use relevant scientific and research methods and then they should demonstrate the ability to critically work with scientific texts, to creatively process concepts and theories found in these texts and to find their individual relevant solution of set-up problems, that should be made at the scientific level corresponding to current scientific cognition in this sphere and to the content and subject structure of the field of study. The required length of master’s thesis is a minimum of 140 000 signs including footnotes, title page, table of contexts, index, bibliography and abstract in foreign language. Thesis can be written both in Czech and Russian.
Further information about the content and formal processing of the diploma thesis are modified on the web page of the Department of Slavonic Studies: http://slavistika.phil.muni.cz/studium.
- Access to Further StudiesThe graduate of the master’s study programme can be admitted to current accredited fields of doctor studies in FF MU: Russian Language, Paleoslavistics and Slavic Languages, Russian Literature, Theory and History of Slavic Literatures, Comparative Literature, Philological Area studies, and later to newly accredited programmes: Slavic languages, Slavic literatures, Comparative Literature and Philological Area Studies.